Friday, January 27, 2006

Someone back home is saying, "Why don't he write?"

I have been reading so much stuff lately (currently four books at a time) just to learn what it is that is the splinter in my mind. I am literally unlearning as fast as I am learning if that is even possible. I want to share with you that there is so much more out there than I first perceived. I have been falling down the rabbit hole for about a year now, and there is still no ground in sight. I wish that I could tell you that this has been an easy journey, but it has been anything but. I have faced many crossroads and have come to many dead ends, but there are good days. There are the days when I seem to be getting a hold of what is in my brain, and there is alot there to grasp. Not because I have a huge intellect, but I am feeding it alot of information. Once put into my brain consciously,sub-consciously things sort of roll around up there and the things that are produced are sometimes a shock to me. The questions go from being answered, to unanswered again, to....what was the question again? While this may be confusing and down right asinine to most, this is where I find the most comfort. The questions don't bother me near as much as the logical answers do. There was a time in my life when I thought I had a pretty good grip on spiritual matters, heavenly things, but alas I have no clue. If you are there now, let me leave you with a bit of advise. When traveling down the rabbit hole, don't try to see the end. Don't try to grasp the sides to slow the fall. Try to rest in the faith that you are right where God would have you to be. The controls are not in your hands any longer. The law of gravity is pulling you toward a profound foundation that will be unshakable. Trust in the Unseen One, He has made you indestructible until He is finished with you here and takes you to Himself.

SIM Church planter

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Me at Christmas

Playing cards, drinking egg nog, listening to Alan Jackson Christmas music. Posted by Picasa

Grace and Peace Be Unto You

I am still not ready to return to my Pagan Christianity critique, so I will instead give you a something a little on the lighter end. I was traveling in town the other day and saw a bumper sticker I had never seen before. It said, "It is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not". I also noticed some of the other bumper stickers on the car and its occupants and understood the heart in which this bumper sticker was displayed. The riders were without question living an alternative lifestyle and this made the bumper sticker seem more angry than soulful as I had first read it. The reason that I say that is because most of the homosexual people that I know are deep down angry. I don't know a lot of homosexuals, but the one's that I know are this way. They seem to be angry at the lack of grace shone them by those who swear to be bringers of grace. I have been struggling with the concept of grace. How deep is mine? How deep is God's? My understanding of scripture tells me that I will be given grace in the measure by which it has been extended from me to others. In other words, if I am not willing to give grace, I will not be given grace from God. I am not building a defense for homosexuality nor do I wish to encourage it. I am simply saying that we as "Christ imitators" need to do just that, imitate Christ. When He was present here on earth, He was very clear on the supremacy of loving God and loving each other. He also said that people who don't know Him will know us as His when we obey Him. More to the point, when we obey Him, live as He lived, we are either going to be loved or hated. Liked or disliked. Befriended or shunned. This brings me full circle with the bumper sticker. Those of us who are Jesus' disciples have a decision to make. Will we choose to be loved for what we are not? Or will we choose to be hated for what we are?Let us not hide the facts. Lets be willing to give grace to those who need it, regardless of what they choose to do with their life. Let us love one another and let God bring salvation to them in His way in His time.
The SIM church planter

Friday, January 06, 2006

Taking a break from Pagan Christianity...

I have been reviewing the book by Frank Viola and am now going to take a small break. I would like to begin by saying the new year There is something to all the hype about the beginnings of things. There seems to be a slate cleaning that takes place. Here we are at the beginning of January and I feel like last year is so...last year, like everything is refreshed. This is good for me mentally and emotionally. I feel that all my 2005 "sins" have been forgiven (please understand, reader, that I understand that my sins are forgiven each time I ask God for forgiveness, I meant the point to be more metaphorical) and that there is a huge burden of guilt lifted off of my shoulders. I have felt increasingly better about things in my life and that is always a good thing. I hope that it is been such a uplifting time for everyone as '05 was concluded and '06 begins.
As a side note, I will posting more "church" related topics at here, come check it out. Feel free to leave your mark (comment) if you so desire.
Until next time, Happy New Slate Cleaning.
SIM church planter