I watched the movie based on the popular (until about noon today had never heard of them) books and/or following today and I really liked the movie. I was very naked coming into the viewing. I was completely in the dark. For this reason, I had no prejudice for or against. Here is what I thought.
I liked the main character, played by Henry Czerny. He was to me very believeable. There were a few other characters but none as memorable.
The story line was pretty easy to follow. There were several flashbacks that I think played well into the whole story line.
Another cool thing about the movie was the trailer for What the Bleep?. At that point I was really excited about the movie maybe being something that would challenge my thinking and I wasn't let down. This movie did challenge me to check my beliefs at the door and listen and hopefully learn from the experience. Not many movies that I have watched (and I have watched a few) have left me with such a feeling of being lost in thought. Good movie to discuss God and spirituality.
With all that said, I went on line to find out about this author and the following. I was a bit suspicious of Mr. Walsch. It is very New Age (I didn't really pick this up in the movie). There are some nuggets in the philosophy but I don't believe they are solitarily found in this spiritualism (?). I guess the spectator is left to make his own judgements, I believe, as it should be.