Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Been Awhile

I just realized that it's been ten days since I've put down some thoughts. Time sure does fly when...well you understand. Anyway, I would like to let you all know that there have been some up times and some down times since last we met, but that is life. The cool thing is that God never lets me get too low before He shows up with some really cool stuff. For instance, last week I was able to hook up with some guys from Sling 'n Stone who are doing the same stuff we are in Natchez, MS area. It was so uplifting to talk to these guys. You know how when you feel all alone in your little world and people show up and let you know that your world isn't very small after all. That is what happened last Thursday night at Fire Mountain. It's in those much needed times that an encouraging takes place and you can go on with the vision before you. You realize that all the question marks are actually exclamation points that you see in the rear view mirror on the bill boards of life's road. They'll probably never know how much just talking to them about their trials and tribulations along side our struggles made me feel that night. So here's to the guys at Sling 'n Stone, may you continue to do what God says to do when and where God says to do it. The world is changing and you are it's agents. Godspeed on your journey.
Do you hear that Mr. Anderson? It's the sound of inevitability.
-Agent Smith in The Matrix

1 comment:

Lyndon said...

I've to think that somebody somewhere is wondering what kind of church "Fire Mountain" must be and how to get there. LOL. It's a restaurant, folks. Lighten up!