While recently in Pensacola on business, my buddy and I went to eat at a hole in the wall place called The Oval Office. We went there because of the advertisement we saw in the hotel's local eatery guide. It said that we would receive a 10% discount if we showed our room keys and they boasted the best burger of Myrtle Beach. Well we got there and the place was more of a bar than an eating establishment, but what the heck, we decided to stay and eat a burger. At the close of our meal, I showed our waitress our room key and asked about the 10% discount. She seemed at first confused but then realized what it was we were asking about and said that she would get that done for us, but had never really done it before (should have been a hint to what is to come in this story). My back was to the bar and my buddy was facing it when he said that we were in trouble. He went on to describe the scene. Our waitress had put her reading glasses on and had gotten a calculator out...to figure 10 PERCENT. Now I know that I am being harsh, but isn't that one of the easiest things to figure? Anyway, to make matters even funnier, she brings us the ticket and tells us that she made sure it was right because she had used her calculator. Holding back a gut-laugh, we thanked her, and left the eating establishment. This one event stayed with us and we laughed about it many times while away. So thanks Oval Office waitress for making our trip enjoyable.
The picture is truly worth a thousand words.
Great story!...was she a blonde?
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