Because my friend over at Words Less Spoken thought it was a pretty good book, I picked it up and read it. A very good book indeed. The idea started with his velvet Elvis painting's artist "signature", R. Rob Bell wondered if R. would have said to all the other painters in his era, "put all your paint brushes down, I have painted the greatest painting ever. There is no more need to paint ever again", what a tragedy! In like mind, what if we stop "seeking" after God. What if we say, "Hey, we don't need to look any further, we completely understand God and everyone else's understanding of God from this point on is going to come up short"? What an even greater tragedy! His book goes on to chronicle that we are to forever challenge, seek, question, until the day that we are known as we are known. One of his examples of this is the life of Martin Luther. Luther at some point in his life realized that something was...amiss?wrong? I am not sure what the word is, but I completely understand what he was going through. I have been on a similar quest. There is something...confused?blurred? Still not sure of the word.
This book really resonated with me on several levels. One in particular, which is, it's okay to challenge the status quo of spirituality. I think Jesus said it best (as He always does), "Keep knocking, Keep looking, Keep seeking, you will find what you are looking for" (my interp.) And as always, He is right.
Sim CP
1 comment:
just thought i'd pass along another book suggestion since you seem to enjoy Rob Bell. Rick McKinley wrote a book called Jesus in the Margins which you may find of particular interest. blessings on your journey.
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