I know. I know. This movie has been out for a while, but I finally watched it. I had heard that it was hard to follow, but it wasn't. I now wish that I had watched it before last night.
I won't go into great details about the movie for those that have not seen it, but it really follows my whole motivation journey. It deals with prejudices between all people groups. The good, the bad, and the ugly are represented. I will definitely watch it again because I would like to dissect it a little more, but suffice it to say, really a great movie.
I am glad that this story was told. I am glad that it is being watched by so many people (based on it being the number 1 rented DVD since it came out on DVD). Maybe we are headed in a positive direction. Maybe we will get to a point, soon where we will be able to sit at table with all "makes and models" and be able to have a conversation that doesn't end in hate and prejudice. I don't agree with all things, but I do have an open mind. I want to know what makes others "tick". What is their point of view? What is their motivations?
Maybe this motivation journey is more a journey into culture differences than anything else.
I've mentioned this before, but it needs repeating. When watching the Behind the Scenes of the Syriana DVD, George Clooney observed while on location in the Middle East that no matter how hard we want to, "we cannot bomb this (cultural religiosity) out of them!" No matter how much we think we don't agree with others, we don't possess the right perspective. We haven't walked a mile in their shoes. We haven't even had the guts to try the shoes on. Until we can see through their eyes, we have no base on which to condemn.
I don't know where this journey is going, but watching Crash really helped me see a little more clearly.
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