Saturday, May 20, 2006

Da Vinci Code: The Movie

I made it to "The Da Vinci Code" movie yesterday. I was bracing for the protest , but not much of one (about 8 people with two signs at the marquee).
The movie was good. Because I has already read the book, I was "informed" as to what was going to happen, so the shock factor wasn't there. The coolest thing was seeing the places talked about in the book. I am a Tom Hanks and Ron Howard fan, and I liked Tom's performance and Ron's direction. There was a bit more visual to the self mortification of the albino monk than I think was necessary, but what you gonna do. All in all, a good action/thriller.

1 comment:

Mike Perschon said...

Hey Jared! You rock man! This whole DaVinci discussion, hype notwithstanding is one of the best I've seen amidst the sea of bloggery. Well handled.

And I'm glad you liked the movie. With all the negative reviews from the professional film critics, it'd be easy to dismiss the film for most Christians. Way to make a stand and be yourself.

Love the blog. Good stuff. I need to add a link at Gotthammer.