Monday, June 04, 2007

More on Spiral Staircase

I was very brief with my last post on Spiral Staircase, but now I would like to spend a couple of posts on some things that stood out for me.

This is a quote, "When I thought about the issue (leaving the convent), I found only a question mark where the old conviction should have been. I had experienced this time and again recently; it seemed as though I had discarded a good deal of my old religious self when I had taken off my habit. Beliefs and principles that I had taken so completely for granted that they seemed part of my very being now appeared strangely abstract and remote. In fact, I did not seem to think or feel anything very strongly anymore."

See what I mean? I could have written that very statement (minus the habit part) two years ago.
It seems to me that once you fight for a cause for a period of time and then don't, that something in your mind takes place. You really feel like a rug has been pulled out from under your feet, but unlike in the literal sense, there is no floor to land on. Where is the "common ground" of shared views? So far, I really don't think it exists. Can there be a place in time where we truly can all agree to disagree and get on with life? Why do we feel that when we close our eyes at night that we have to sleep in the sweet peace of...I'M RIGHT DAMMIT! I have come to the conclusion that I am mostly wrong. I guess there is peace in that also.
I really understand that last sentence of the quote. There is a "comfortable numbness" that takes place. Its like nothing replaces the old way of thinking and acting. It is a void of sorts but not a scary void, more like a quiet room in your mind were ideas are not coming and going. I guess if you don't do well in silence, this could be scary. I am growing very accustom to it.
Well, until next time...Where's the damn floor in this place?

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