Monday, January 29, 2007

Motivation cont.

I was watching Nell a couple of days ago. I saw that it was on and caught the movie at the very beginning so left it on and watched. A cool thing was said in the movie that went right along with my motivation journey. One of the doctors in the movie starts to talk about motives and ulterior motives. I really tuned in to see what he would say. He said that every body has motives. Good ones and bad ones. There are main motives and ulterior motives. He even said that Mother Teresa has motives and ulterior motives. He said her motive was to leave the world better than she found it. This got me to thinking. What are my motives and ulterior motives? Are they conscience decisions or are they based on things deep inside my psyche? Where do they begin and end? What causes me to put into action what it is that I do? Why am I writing this down? What do I hope to accomplish? I just can't put a finger on it.

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