Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Motivation Part One

I have been thinking a great deal about motivation for the past two years. I don't know what brought on the desire to know what it is that drives me to do the things that I do. All I am certain of is I am fairly uncertain about what those motivations are. I will try to hash out some of my thoughts over the next several weeks. I hope that if anyone has some insights that you express them via commenting. What drives you/me to do the things we do?

1 comment:

Lyndon said...

You really opened a can of worms with this one. That's something that really requires some soul searching. I believe that while we would like to think that we are all motivated by higher purposes, in truth, we are most likely operating by much more common carnal instincts. Not to parse words but I think we can have multiple motivations depending on which area of our lives we are talking about, but there is probably one major driving force behind our overall life choices.

If I were to be honest, while I have a desire to discover a sense of purpose and belonging in life, I am much more motivated to make myself comfortable. When Jesus said we should love our neighbors as ourselves, He knew the magnitude of the gauntlet He was throwing down. We really love ourselves and, psychotics excluded, are pretty good to ourselves.

There's a lot of directions you can go with this self-exploration because I think our motivations can change and have changed in various stages of our lives as we mature or revert to childish behavior.

It's easier to see just what our motivations are when we compare our lives to those such as Mother Theresa that you mentioned. That's why Jesus is timeless even for those of us who struggle with unbelief, because the humanity of Jesus alone is more than enough to put our own lives into perspective. Thanks for bringing up the subject. I look forward to hearing what everyone else has to say about it.