Sunday, July 02, 2006

Does Sin Seperate Us From God?

Sitting at Emmanuel Baptist Church this morning, during children's church no less (I always seem to understand that more), the leader made a statement that today seemed to jump out to me. The statement was "sin seperates us from God". I began to think about that statement as I never have before. If I understand Jesus' statement that He was in fact God in the flesh, then the statement of seperation from Him because of sin doesn't have a place. Jesus hung out with people of ill-repute more than any other people group. If my sin seperates me from God, how could Jesus be so connected to...anybody. Are we not all sinners? When are we "sinless" enough to commune with God? IF what I understand God as I think I do, He is not seperated from us because of sin, He loves us all the more. As far as God turning His face from Jesus at His crucifixion because of the sins of the world being on Him, bulloney! God had sent Jesus to do just what He was doing. He couldn't have been more proud of His Son. Maybe the reason was it hurt God to see His Son in such agony and pain. I know if that was happening to my son, I would not want to watch it either. Could you?
Something else that I heard this morning during the Old Testament reading was in II Corinthians, the 7th chapter. The all to used verse of scripture that says that we are to follow X,Y, and Z conditions, then God hears us and helps. That reading of that scripture really bothered me today. I no longer see God as a tit-for-tat God. He doesn't have a sin-o-meter , like Spencer Burke form The Ooze calls it, keeping track of all our short-comings. Maybe we are the scorekeepers or's sins.

Sim CP


Lyndon said...

Perhaps, if we substitute the word "separate" with another it makes more sense. For instance, sin keeps us from God, but it does not keep God from us. Sin does have a real distancing effect in our lives. God is not repulsed by us but rather we are repulsed by ourselves and refuse to be loved. John 3:16 says that the love of God keeps us from perishing, so if we cast off His love we drown in our own misery.

Mike Perschon said...

I always get more out of the kid's church stuff as well...